Italian Tomato Pie And Green Salad With Lemon Vinaigrette

Italian Vegetable Pie (glutenfree) by Yellow Mood KitchenItalian Vegetable Pie (glutenfree) by Yellow Mood KitchenItalian Vegetable Pie (glutenfree) by Yellow Mood KitchenItalian Vegetable Pie (glutenfree) by Yellow Mood Kitchen

Organizing surprises is a big part of my personality. However, there is a big dilemma considering surprises what it comes to me, because usually I get so excited those that I find it hard not to tell about those in advance! When I have a good idea, I need to force myself to be quiet about it. At May I thought that it would be time to surprise my husband since it’s been too long from previous time. Did I keep my mouth shut or not?

Five years ago I had a heavy day at work work. I never forget what happened after my work time ended. My husband came to meet me while I was closing the shop. He hung at his arms big picnic basket full of summery snacks, wine and other necessary picnic necessities. I was took to the riverside where we enjoyed sun and strawberries. Ahh, never forget!

I remembered this moment few weeks ago and realized that I hadn’t surprised my spouse for a long time. The weather was so summery that I decided to organize lovely picnic to my most important person. Bingo!

Italian Vegetable Pie (glutenfree) by Yellow Mood KitchenItalian Vegetable Pie (glutenfree) by Yellow Mood Kitchen

We LOVE good food. That’s why it isn’t a surprise to anyone that the planning started – of course – from food options! My husband loves italian kitchen so I decided to do something tasty, easy italian style picnic food.

Many people think that italian food is always very greasy, spicy and plentiful. Maybe it is at some parts of Italy so, but my friend who has grown up in Northern Italy told that the most important things are simple flavors and fresh ingredients. At Fnnish summer these both are very easy to implement. Markets are full of fresh ingredients like carrots, peas, tomatoes, lettuces, onions, cucumbers, berries… You name it!

Italian Vegetable Pie (glutenfree) by Yellow Mood Kitchen

I’m used to make pesticide wash for fresh vegetables and soft fruits before eating them. This mixture is ideal for unshelled vegetables such as cherries, cucumbers, zucchinis and chilis:


1 l of water

1 tbs of vinegar

2 tips of soda

Soak veggies in the mixture about fifteen minutes and rinse after that with cold water. Put towel on the table and pour veggies into it and let them dry.

Italian Vegetable Pie (glutenfree) by Yellow Mood Kitchen

This italian styled pie was a great success. In addition that pie is super delicious, it is also free from gluten and easy to make without dairy products. It is suitable to most diets.

These following recipes bring a lot of joy at summer time. Make these to picnics or brunches and surprise your friends!


8 portions

free from gluten and sugar (dairy-free options given in recipe) 

Pie crust (22 cm mold)

1 ¼ cup rice flour

100 g organic butter (or virgin coconut oil or olive oil)

2 tsp psyllium powder

20 fres leafs of basil

2 tbs parmesan cheese, grated (optional)

¼ cup + 2 tbs water

½ tsp sea salt

Melt the butter or oil in a pan. Add water, flours, psyllium, parmesan, chopped basil and salt. Mix well. Spread the mixture into the casserole lined with baking paper. If you use a glass pie form, lubricate the pie form before applying the base dough. Bake the base 10 minutes in the middle of the oven at 200 degrees.


250 g cherry tomatoes

80 g leek

20 basil leafs

¾ cup coconut cream (thick part)

2 eggs (size M)

1 tbs Mediterranean spice mix

2 tbs nutritional yeast

2 tsp Herbamare herbal salt

30 g grated parmesan (or goats feta)

Wash cherry tomatoes and leek. Cut leek into small circles. Split cherry tomatoes and chop basil leafs to small chaff. Measure to a bowl leek, cherry tomatoes and chopped basil. Add coconut cream, eggs, grated parmesan, nutritional yeast and spices. Mix well and pour into baked pie crust.

Put pie in the middle of the oven at 200 degrees and bake 40 minutes. Enjoy cooled pie with fresh green salad and lemon vinaigrette!

Italian Vegetable Pie (glutenfree) by Yellow Mood KitchenItalian Vegetable Pie (glutenfree) by Yellow Mood Kitchen


2 portions

free from gluten, dairy, sugar, soy and eggs

1 cup sprout mixture

1 frisee salad

100 g long beans

2 spring onion branch

2 tbs hemp seeds

Cut the ends of the beans and cut to half. Steam beans for five minutes (use metal steaming boiler, so that beans becomes brittle). Cut the spring onion stalks about half a centimeter long pieces. Wash the frisee salad and shred into pieces. Add the sprout mixture. Stir in beans, onions and hemp seeds. Stir gently and serve together with the Italian tomato pie and lemon vinaigrette.

Italian Vegetable Pie (glutenfree) by Yellow Mood Kitchen


2 portions

free from gluten, dairy, sugar, soy and eggs

¼ cup virgin olive oil

5 tbs freshly squeezed lemon juice

1 tsp vinegar

2 tsp honey

¼ tsp sea salt

Split lemon and squeeze lemon juice. Measure to a bowl lemon juice, olive oil, honey, vinegar and salt. Mix well and pour into green salad.

Italian Vegetable Pie (glutenfree) by Yellow Mood KitchenItalian Vegetable Pie (glutenfree) by Yellow Mood KitchenItalian Vegetable Pie (glutenfree) by Yellow Mood KitchenYellowmoodkitchen_vegetables_veggiepie15Italian Vegetable Pie (glutenfree) by Yellow Mood Kitchen

Maybe you want to know what happened to my surprise picnic? Original plan was that we would cycled to our secret beach, but the weather didn’t allow that. It was raining and raining so the only possible way was to have picnic in our balcony and it wasn’t bad at all! We enjoyed fresh air, ate well and didn’t get wet in rain.

This pie was so good and my bae loved it and I’m sure that there will be plenty picnics during the summer.

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