
It’s been almost a month since I created this lovely sorbet recipe for you, but it’s been so cold weather that I’ve waited and waited… Until I got fed up and decided to publish anyway. This brings you some sunshine if it isn’t shining in the sky!

The weather have been rainy so I’ve been craving fresh food which also dehydrates my body. I’ve bought big and small watermelons each time I’ve went to grocery stores (that’s a good exercise, haha!). We’ve been enjoying this red fruit as a breakfast, snack, movie treats and in salads and smoothies. Watermelon is the number one fruit at this summer in our house!

Then, one day, I invented that watermelon would be perfect ingredient for sorbet since the texture of this fruit is very airy, soft and porous. Watermelon got some company from my favorite spice cardamom, raw honey and tart lemon juice. Texture of sorbet is lovely. It melts to your mouth and the taste is very summery.



6 portions

free from gluten, grains, dairy, soy, eggs and sugar

900 g frozen watermelon pieces

¼ cup lemon juice

½  cup + 2 tbs raw honey

1 tsp cardamom

Blender: Mix all ingredients in a blender and use a tamper until sorbet is smooth.

Big food processor: Mix all ingredients in a food processor until sorbet is smooth.

Small food processor or blender: Blend the frozen watermelon pieces in two or three parts. Add smooth watermelon mass to a bowl and add then rest of the ingredients. You can use a big spoon or a ladle to mix the mass.

When ready, put your sunglasses on your face, take your friends with you and enjoy the freshest taste of summer!


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