Gluten-free and Luscious Chocolate Mascarpone Cake

Glutenfree Mascarpone Chocolate Cake (4 Of 5) Glutenfree Mascarpone Chocolate Cake (2 Of 5)

Every now and then it’s wonderful to spend a lot of time baking and decorating cakes. Making layer cakes, boiling different jams and sauces. Whisking fillings and trying new taste combinations.

But I’m also a minimalist what it comes to baking – that is why I appreciate simpliness too.

On Monday my friend Mari came to visit our home. We share a passion to pure ingredients and creating recepies, so our plan was to make as many new recepies for you as we could! And oh boy, our creations came to be so delicious. We made together many wonderful creations which will appear here Yellow Mood but also to our Instagram accounts. Mari is having a stunning @clouberrytales account where she publishes splendid cheerful and beautiful dishes – mostly without dairy, refined sugar or gluten. I love her way to use colours and create delicious looking settings. Take a look at this woman’s stunning achievements!

I baked on Monday this gluten-free chocolate cake with a mascarpone filling. The cake is easy and perfectly creamy, I highly recommend you to try this if you love chocolate!

If you don’t want or can’t use dairy products, theres an dairy-free filling option at the end of the recipe.

Happy Sunday!

Glutenfree Mascarpone Chocolate Cake (1 Of 5) Glutenfree Mascarpone Chocolate Cake (5 Of 5) Glutenfree Mascarpone Chocolate Cake (3 Of 5)


Cake Base (15 cm tin):

50 g butter or virgin coconut oil
2 (S) eggs
½ cup rice flour
½ cup coconut palm sugar
2 tbs oat milk or water
3 tbs dark cacao powder
½ tsp soda

Heat the oven into 175 °C. Measure alle the dry ingredients into a bowl and mix with spoon. Beat the eggs to another bowl. Measure the butter and sugar in a bowl and beat until they are smooth and airy. Add eggs and continue whisking. Add then dry ingredients and oat milk while whisking.

Bake the cake in the middle of the oven about 25 minutes. Prepare meanwhile the mascarpone filling.

Mascarpone Filling

250 g  mascarpone cheese
1 tbs  honey or coconut syrup
1 tsp  vanilla extract

Measure the mascarpone into a bowl with honey and vanilla extract. Mix with big spoon until smooth. Add to the top of the cooled cake base.

Dairy-free Filling Option

250 g  thick coconut cream (refrigrated)
1 tbs  honey or coconut syrup
1 tsp  vanilla extract

Measure the coconut cream into a bowl with honey and vanilla extract. Mix with big spoon until smooth. Add to the top of the cooled cake base.

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