Blackcurrant Cake

Polar night has its bright side too. It is funny how you learn to appresiate all those moments when there’s even little bit nature light available. At times I notice that yellow sunbeams are dancing at the walls of my home – and then suddenly it is all gone.

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I wanted to share some comfort for this darkness. This cake has attitude and it is at the same time fluffy and very creamy. Blackcurrant is one of my all time favourite berries thanks to the strong flavour suited for so many different treats and cakes. This cake is a combination of powerful blackcurrants, creamy filling, and soft jam.

Colourful food is easy way to uplift tired spirit. It is also be proven that this kind of desserts make you smile, that’s something.

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20 cm cake tin with detachable bottom

Free from gluten, dairy, grains and eggs


1 ¼ cup dry cashew nuts

10 dates

½ tsp cardamom powder


½ cupsolid coconut milk

½ cup cashew nuts

¼ cup blackcurrants

¼ cup extra virgin coconut oil

¼ cup honey

2 tsp soy lecithin powder


1 ¼ cup solid coconut milk

½ cup extra virgin coconut oil

½ cup honey

¼ cup lucuma powder

¼ cup lemon juice

2 tsp lecithin powder


½ cup blackcurrants

1 tbsp chia seeds

1 tbsp honey


¼ cup highbush blueberries

¼ cup erythritol

Cake Base. Remove the stones from the dates. Measure all the ingredients into the blender. Mix until the batter is smooth. Spread evenly onto the cake tin.

Blackcurrant Filling. Melt the coconut oil in a hot water bath. Open the fridge-chilled coconut milk cans and pour the excess liquid away. Measure all the ingredients into the blender and blend into a silky smooth mousse. Spread onto the cake base.

Cream Filling. Melt the coconut oil in a hot water bath. Open the chilled coconut milk cans and pour the excess liquid away. Chop the lemons into two pieces and squeeze the juice out. Measure all the ingredients into the blender and mix into a silky smooth mousse. Spread onto the filling.

Blackcurrant Jam. Let the blackcurrants defrost in room temperature. Mix the berries, honey, and chia seeds together in the blender. Spread the jam on top of the filling with a spoon. Use a stick for decoration. Let the cake chill in the fridge for an hour. Decorate, serve and enjoy.

Decoration. Rinse the highbush blueberries thoroughly in a colander or wash with a prepared washing liquid (instructions). Gently dry them with a towel. Spin the berries in erythritol and decorate the cake with them.

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